Concept Plan to Improve Watermans Bay Foreshore

watermans bay foreshore concept

Q: What do you think of the current state of Watermans Bay Beach?

Sandbags were placed on the banks of the Watermans Bay Beach on West Coast Drive as an emergency response after a storm in 2010. They were meant to be a temporary measure with an estimated useful life of 10 years.

That was 14 years ago!

THIS is how Watermans Bay Beach looks today…

Many locals have been talking amongst themselves for the past few years about how to give Watermans Bay Beach a much-needed UPGRADE.

So, in recent months, a group of locals have come together and created a Concept Plan for the local community to consider. We believe all residents of Perth’s Northern Suburbs deserve a better amenity that should upgrade and protect Watermans Bay.

To create a possible vision for this area, local Watermans Bay resident Philip Rix commissioned a landscape architect to draft a Concept Plan of what could be possible for the Watermans Bay Foreshore, taking into consideration the various needs of the community.

Take a look at what the new Watermans Bay Foreshore could look like:

Imagine if Phil’s Concept Plan was put up for consideration and then implemented?

You and your family could enjoy the NEW Watermans Bay Beach for decades to come.

There’s ONE PROBLEM though….

Phil Rix was recently told he needed around 130 signatures for his Concept Plan to be considered.

After personally spending countless hours personally standing outside Little Bay Cafe, North Beach Shops and other local hot-spots, Phil was able to accumulate around 30 signatures from locals.

The thing is…

WE NEED 100 MORE SIGNATURES BY END OF THIS WEEK – FRIDAY 8TH SEPTEMBER so we can present them to the Honourable Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Western Australia on Monday morning.


To ensure the signatures are legitimate (and not fake website survey people), we are asking that you do the following:

  1. PRINT OUT the following PDF Form.
  2. Get as many people as you can to sign it with a blue or black pen.
  3. Take a photo of your completed form.
  4. Email it to “ by 6pm THIS FRIDAY 8TH SEPTEMBER.
  5. Subject header should be “Upgrade Watermans Bay” and don’t forget to attach the photo of your form to the email.

File name : Petition-Watermans-Bay-Upgrade-2.pdf

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